Cat Rescued from Concrete Trench

Sunbeam A happy ending for this cat!

Pictured is Sunbeam Vet Joe Keane and the cat rescued on the 12th December 2009. It had it’s head jammed tight in a narrow concrete trench.

On Saturday the 12th of December 2009, we got a call saying that a cat had gotten its head jammed into a trench between a patio door and the concrete floor inside. When we arrived to try and help we had no hope of freeing the cats head with its cooperation because the cat was, logically, freaking out. Complicating matters its head had become swollen from it’s own efforts to get itself out.

The next port of call was to Sunbeam Vets, Blackpool to Joe Keane to ask could he come out and sedate the cat out and thereby get the cat out of the vice it was trapped in. Joe arrived and once the cat was asleep we were able to start getting it out of its predicament. It was necessary to lubricate the cats swollen head and after much effort on Joe’s part with some help from us we finally managed to release it. As the cat was asleep and needed to rest until it regained full consciousness it was wrapped in a warm blanket and put in a room where it could sleep off the anesthetic for the night.

A very happy ending for puss and a big thank you to the house owner for his concern for the cat and to Joe for coming out of hours during the weekend to help. Puss is now back to good health chasing the rabbits in the area.


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